价钱 : Rm 50.00 |
现货 |
商品名 :十频遥控(新款)防水跳蛋 |
商品货号: QJ-057-26-50 |
本店独家发售最新款10段变频遥控跳蛋,全7号电池版(最常用的电池)! |
全部使用普通7号电池,粉色、紫色两种颜色可选 |
市场价一般120多元!本店特价只为人气,抢到就是赚到! |
本品属于三代创新产品,跳蛋内部电池从8号电池改用了7号电池,遥控器电池也从23A12伏防盗器电池改用了7号电池,在任何地方都能购买到,更方便了大家的使用,振动力量比一代产品更大,更强,更猛,更刺激做工更精细! |
女士的小秘密,你可以: |
出门将它置入阴道内,让你在茫茫人海中也能体验另一种个人空间。 |
由男友遥控,情趣无限!其乐趣足以使老夫老妻如初恋情人。 |
无论居家、森林旷野,还是办公室、大庭广众,想在哪里爽就在哪里爽! |
时尚新潮的双按键遥控设计,遥控各脉段方便,是目前市场上绝无仅有的高档无线遥控跳蛋。 |
级医用无毒高分子材料。 |
【使用说明】 |
使用前,请用75%的医用酒精擦洗消毒。打开电池盒,装入电池,将跳蛋置于您喜爱的敏感部位,按下开关既可。 |
快乐无线遥控跳蛋有效距离可达到7-10米或以上。等您亲身体验才知道那种刺激酥麻的感觉!! |
日本男人最爱的摇控跳蛋,让你的爱侣将圆头跳旦放入裤内,由你掌控她的兴奋度,让她欲火高涨,看着你饥渴的眼神也不由自主的兴奋起来;日本网络最近新流行 的玩法,也是日本AV影片中经常叫女演员走在路上再由另一人摇控开关,看女演员的忍耐程度及表情;常常有令人意想不到的结果发生;无线摇控在无障碍的情况 下,有效摇控距离可长达三十公尺以上。由控制器摇控开与关,你可以放任的尽情享受跳旦带来的舒爽…… |
因为是无线摇控开关,且有效距离很长,常被喜欢调情的男伴抢在手中,偷偷的将跳旦开启..... |
谁说自爱时只能偷偷躲在房间里享受!您可以光明正大的把它穿在自己最私密的地方,亲密的贴住您的性感带,享受高潮无处不在!无论是逛街、开车或是上班时, 您都可以在别人不知情的情况下享受高潮!本产品的隐密绝对一极棒,小巧精致可爱,送礼自用两相宜,喜欢享受刺激的您千万不可错过此项产品!接收器是内置在 跳蛋内的,做到了真正的无线遥控!可以运用于浴室、卧室等场所----给您带来意想不到的惊喜! |
本品超强的震动功能,可同时振动按摩女性阴道内外敏感区域,给女性多重刺激,效果极其卓著,使女性迅速达到性高潮,且使用方便,振动频率可调,是你获得更激情、更满足的性高潮极品!更是现代女性自慰和性功能康复治疗的首选完美器具! |
本品多种用途,既可作为夫妻间的情趣玩具,又可作为个人自慰用品,让你的生活更富乐趣!经常使用,让你体会到前所未有的快乐!按摩刺激阴道,扭力震荡绝对销魂! |
金蛋、银蛋,我选磨砂遥控震蛋。其神秘的色彩、独特的十段变频振动、及无线遥控设置,无不体现出设计者的高超水准对消费了解和体贴入微。 |
【突出特点】不同于普通跳蛋,纯无线遥控跳蛋;抛开电线的束缚,10米以上的有效距离 ,不受衣物及物品影响,穿透力极强, 简直有点出神入化…… |
【功能主治】本器具根据医学仿生学原理,通过可供选择的按摩,震动等多功能刺激性敏感区域,调节内分泌,对女性性冷淡,性高潮缺乏或性欲亢奋等能得到适中条理,从而达到性生理平衡,最终实现提高性机能,吸收性乐趣的目的。 |
【使用方法】(1)按电池盒图示装好电池; |
(2)器具表面涂抹上润滑油(也可先在器具上戴避孕套); |
(3)辅助器具慢慢插入阴道; |
(4)启动电源对阴道进行震动按摩冲击达到性高潮; |
(5)关闭电源,将器具从阴道内退出。 |
【清洁说明】本器具使用前,用75%的医用酒精擦洗消毒,或者女士专用的洁阴水擦洗(比方妇炎洁和诗洁) |
【品 牌】ROSELEX |
【产品成份】进口无毒医用橡胶 |
【规 格】一件/盒,遥控器使用一节7号电池,跳蛋使用2节7号电池(电池不含) |
【颜 色】粉/紫,多色随机出货 |
Price: Rm 50.00 |
Ready Stock |
Product Name: Ten-frequency remote control (new) water Tiaodan |
Product No.: QJ-057-26-50 |
Our latest on sale exclusively at paragraph 10 Tiaodan frequency remote control, all-7 cell version (the most commonly used battery)! |
All use regular AAA batteries, pink, purple, two colors |
General price 120 yuan! Our special just for popularity, grab that is earned! |
This product belongs to three generations of innovative products, Tiaodan internal battery from the battery instead of 7, 8 batteries, remote control battery alarm from 23A12-volt battery instead of AAA batteries, can be purchased at any place, more convenient for everyone the use of vibrating power generation products than bigger, stronger, more violent, more exciting work more fine! |
Ms. little secret, you can: |
It out into the vagina, so you can experience the vast sea of other personal space. |
Remote control by the boyfriend, fun unlimited! Its fun enough to make an old married couple, such as first love. |
Whether at home, the forest wilderness, or office, a large crowd, like where you where cool cool! |
The trendy two-button remote control design, convenient remote control of the pulse segments, is unique in the market of high-grade wireless remote control Tiaodan. |
Non-toxic medical grade polymer materials. |
[Instructions] |
Before use, with 75% alcohol scrub disinfection. Open the battery compartment, the battery will be placed in your favorite Tiaodan sensitive parts, press the switch either. |
Happy Tiaodan effective range of wireless remote control can reach 7-10 meters or more. Etc. You know the kind of experience to stimulate the feeling dumb!! |
Japanese men Tiaodan favorite remote control, so that your partner will jump once into the trousers round from your control her excitement, she desires high, and watch your hungry eyes are involuntary excited; Japan Network recently popular play, is often called the Japanese AV actress in the film go on the road and then by another remote control switch, see the tolerance of the actress and expression; often have unexpected results occur; wireless remote control In the case of accessibility, the effective remote control distance of up to 30 meters or more. Opened and closed by the remote controller, you can enjoy a laissez-faire to bring freshness to jump once ... ... |
Because it is wireless remote control switch, and the effective distance is very long, often like to grab the hands of flirting male partner, Dan secretly to jump on ..... |
Who says self-love can only secretly 躲在房间里 enjoy! You can wear it open and aboveboard in their most intimate place, intimate stick to your erogenous zone and enjoy the climax everywhere! Whether it is shopping, driving or at work, you can enjoy other people without the knowledge of the climax! The secret of this product is definitely a fantastic, sleek lovely gift tilapia, like to enjoy stimulating your products do not miss this! Tiaodan receiver is built into the inside, so the real wireless remote control! Can be used in bathrooms, bedrooms and other places ---- to bring you an unexpected surprise! |
This product is superior vibration function, both inside and outside the vagina vibrating massage sensitive areas, giving women multiple stimulation, the effect is very remarkable, so that women reach orgasm quickly, and easy to use, the vibration frequency is adjustable, you get more passion, more Need to meet the orgasm! more modern female masturbation and sexual functional rehabilitation treatment of choice for the perfect equipment! |
This product is a variety of uses, both as between husband and wife sex toys, masturbation can be as personal items, make your life more enjoyable! Frequently used, so you never feel the joy! Massage to stimulate the vagina, the absolute torque shock ecstasy! |
Golden eggs, silver eggs, I chose the matte remote shock protein. Its mystery, a unique vibration frequency of ten segments, and wireless remote control settings, all reflect the designer's superb level of consumer understanding and considerate. |
[] Is different from the ordinary Tiaodan prominent feature, wireless remote control Tiaodan pure; aside the shackles of wires, the effective distance of 10 meters, clothing and items from the impact of penetration strong, just a bit superb ... ... |
【Indications】 The apparatus of medical bionics, through the choice of massage, vibration and other multi-irritating sensitive areas, endocrine, female frigidity, lack of orgasm or sexual excitement, etc. can be moderate structured to to achieve physiological balance, and ultimately to improve sexual function, purpose of absorbing fun. |
Usage (1) according to the battery box icon bottles and batteries; |
(2) instruments on the surface smearing oil (also the first apparatus on a condom); |
(3) aids slowly into the vagina; |
(4) The power of the vagina starts to vibrate and massage the impact of orgasm; |
(5) Turn the power off equipment from the vagina. |
[Cleaning instructions] The apparatus before use, with 75% alcohol disinfectant scrub or scrub Ms. dedicated Jieyin water (for example, Fu Yan Jie and Shi Jie) |
【Brand】 ROSELEX |
【Ingredients】 imports of non-toxic medical rubber |
[Specifications] a / box, remote control using a AAA battery, with two 7 Tiaodan batteries (batteries not included) |
[Color] pink / purple, multicolor random shipping